Monday 5 May 2008

Movement of sculpture...

I was correct that Keith Haring used Egyptian shapes and styles depicting human life and activity of man. The similarity between Egyptian symbols and Keith Haring's Egyptian shaped vases is that they are very narrative. The way symbols are illustrated looks as if its telling a story. The symbolism in Haring's vases include flying saucers, a television, people dancing, people running away from snake attacks and repetitive symbols such as babies crawling, designs with lines and dots. Mostly based on the 20th century, Haring designed tools that we use in a way, while Egyptians portray the limited tools they had.

Untitled 1981 and Untitled 1983

Interesting research actually figurs out that Keith Haring worked completely similar to the Egyptians. The way that the Egyptians worked was that they had the ability to melt metal and formed shapes of his human figures that represents him. This is called an 'iconograph'; this meant an engraving of an illustrated picture from a book or basically any image in particular.

Untitled 1988 and Self-portrait 1989

Collected publications of Banksy

Recently I've noticed a lot of Banksy articles are being published in London newspapers such as London Metro, London Paper and Lite.. I've collected a few and scanned them to use them as another artist that could support my topic in my written paragraphs on being 'anonymous' as well as being a graffiti artist himself. And yet this artist has become famous when nobody has seen his face properly while his works are everywhere in public. In addition to that, he is famous because of vandalism but yet again it is art that people like to see and buy. This is when the question comes up: Is graffiti Vandalism or Art?

(Click to enlarge)